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What Are The Most Effective Methods Of Coping With Stress? ITechnical World


What are the Most Effective Methods of Coping with Stress?

Due to the requirements of the age we live in, stress has become inevitable in our lives. For this reason,  methods of coping with stress  become even more important. In order for us to live our lives in a more livable, quality and meaningful way, the sources of stress must be identified well. It is important to relieve yourself by resorting to the most effective ways to cope with stress. Try to keep the negative effects of stress away from your daily life as much as possible. To put this another way, instead of expecting to live a stress-free life, you should aim to gain the ability to cope with existing stress.

What is Stress?

Stress is our body's automatic response to various internal and external stimuli. In other words, stress is the pressure and tension we feel on ourselves. It is also a natural reaction of our body in any situation that requires adaptation or reaction. This situation, which is seen as dangerous, may be a real event or it may be a situation that your mind perceives as dangerous. The stress response occurs to protect yourself, but when its intensity increases too much, it can disrupt your quality of life.

 You can always contact  Erdem Psychiatry therapists to solve the problems you experience regarding stress  .


What are the Causes of Stress?

Many events we experience in daily life in the family, school and work environment can become sources of stress. Stress, which can occur at the physical, emotional and mental levels, does not only occur in response to negative events. It can also be observed in any situation that requires adaptation, such as a change of job or city, or studying before an exam. When such factors are threatening, our body tries to protect itself. He starts defending himself. In such situations, the person unconsciously chooses to either fight or flee.

In fact, external stimuli such as work, friends, family, illness, and unfamiliar environment are not sources of stress on their own. What makes them stressful is the way they interpret events and the reactions they give. People do not react the same to the same events. The reason for the difference here is the nature of the interaction between the person and the situation encountered. Therefore, the source of stress and  the ways of coping with stress  may vary from person to person.

Is Stress Always Harmful?

Stress is not always harmful. As long as  you know how to deal with stress  . Even mild stress can be a factor that gives you energy, helps you take action and improve yourself. Positive stress results from the challenges of pleasant situations. As examples of positive stress; Starting a new job, starting a new relationship with the opposite sex, or preparing for exams as a student. Coping with the positive stress caused by such situations increases our self-confidence. It matures us. These gains we have achieved are the positive contributions of stress to our lives.

Negative stress is stress that occurs in situations we do not want but have to adapt to. When your stress level is high, your productivity may decrease. Your enjoyment of life may decrease and you may experience problems in your relationships with the people around you. Ineffective and constant struggle to cope with stress and anxiety eventually leads to exhaustion.

What are the symptoms of stress?

Individuals who receive training in coping with stress  can recognize the symptoms more easily. The earlier the symptoms are noticed,   the more successful the stress coping activities will be. Let's take a look at the symptoms of stress together.

1.      Mental Symptoms

2.      Physical Symptoms

3.      Emotional Symptoms

  •       Restlessness and tension
  •       Increased anxiety
  •         Stagnation and apathy
  •         Sudden outbursts of anger
  •        Increased emotional sensitivity
  •       Feeling inadequate and worthless
  •       Decreased sense of confidence
  •       Increased irritability 

Do not forget to get professional support to solve the problems you experience related to stress.  You can contact Ankara Psychiatry Center Erdem Psychiatry  immediately  . 


What Should Be Done to Relieve Stress?

Coping with stress is the struggle to get rid of or overcome the situation that disturbs us. The methods of coping with stress that most people use   are methods that cause more harm to themselves. Our thoughts about any event and the way we interpret that event determine our emotions and behaviors. Usually, when individuals are stressed, rather than finding a solution, they think that the situation they are in is bad and that no matter what they do, it will not change. They make things bigger than they are in their minds. This makes them feel helpless. People ask in despair 'how can a person get rid of stress?' They look for solutions. If they do not find the right therapist  and receive professional support, they may try wrong ways. Behaviors such as starting to smoke, using alcohol, drug use, over-the-counter relaxing medications, and overeating can be given as examples. However, these have results that increase stress, contrary to what is desired. In addition, generalizations are made about others. You are more concerned with what others think of you. You think that other people's behavior affects your happiness. However, if we spend our energy on changing our own thoughts instead of spending it on changing others, you will do a very useful job.

What are the Strategies for Coping with Stress?

In order to deal with stress effectively, you first need to find out where the stress originates from in your life. It is important to identify exactly why you are uncomfortable in certain situations. Additionally, you need to observe the emotions you are experiencing at that moment and how you react with these emotions. Then, you need to think about what you need to do to change this situation you are experiencing as an important step in solving the problem.

All stress can be eliminated or reduced with stress coping methods. Let's take a look at some methods you can use to reduce your stress levels.

  •        Exercising regularly makes you feel comfortable.
  •         It is good to go on a short or long vacation during periods when your stress level increases.
  •        Constantly thinking about your past experiences or the future prevents you from living and enjoying the present moment. Focusing on your positive aspects and successes and strengthening good thoughts about yourself will help you relax.
  •     You should definitely get support from your family, circle of friends and social groups.
  •   Having to make important decisions increases stress. For this reason, you may have to constantly postpone decision-making. Create a list of the decisions you need to make and identify the information you need. Determine how you can obtain this information.
  •         Learn to say no.

  •         Make an effort to reduce the uncertainties in your life. All uncertainties are situations that increase stress.
  •         Do activities that will intensify your interest and release your energy. It will allow you to be a little bit stress-free.
  • Read        books on coping with stress  .
  •       The values ​​we have play a big role in the decisions we make. Examine your values ​​and think about the things that are important to you in your life (school, health, family, dignity, freedom, etc.).
  •        Most people dream of living a problem-free life. Because we seek perfect justice in our lives, we become unhappy at the slightest negativity. However, we must accept some facts. We must have the courage to see the things we can change in life and change them. On the other hand, it is necessary to accept the things we cannot change.
  •        Always remember that there is better and worse than the situation you are facing. Set realistic goals for yourself.
  •        Demonstrate behavior that protects both your own and others' rights.
  •        Stay away from the environment that makes you nervous. Take deep breaths and try to relax.
  •         Get ​​enough sleep. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes and addictive substances.
  •         Eat a balanced and regular diet to reduce stress. Drink plenty of fluids. Eat mostly light foods. Do not skip eating fruit.
  •       Be sure to plan your time and determine your priorities.
  •         When it becomes difficult to cope with stress, get support from your environment and an expert rather than being hard on yourself.

Fighting stress is an issue that should never be taken lightly. If you are having difficulty coping with the stress of daily life, business life or relationships, you should immediately get help from an expert team. You can make an appointment immediately to get help from the expert staff at Ankara psychiatric center Erdem Psychiatry   .

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