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STRESS; It is a sign that the biological and psychological balance has been disrupted and that the balance must be restored by adapting to new situations. Some of the short-term effects of stress include irritability and anxiety, which can cause a person's heart rate to increase, blood pressure to skyrocket, nerves to become irritable, intolerance, and sometimes productivity to decrease. Conversely, goal-directed, short-term stress that increases efficiency can also increase performance. The long-term effects of stress can be much more serious if it remains untreated. Some of these are personality change, disruption of work or marital life, substance or alcohol use, suicidal ideation; It is in the form of self-destructive behavior such as tendency or attempt.

The information on this Web Page comes from Prof. Dr. Compiled from Nesrin ŞAHÎN's book "Stress and Ways of Coping" and Prof.  Özcan KÖKNEL's book "Stress".

Stress can cause many harmful consequences when experienced at a negative level and for a long time. These are:
Physiologically:  Indigestion, fatigue, headaches, skin disorders, high blood pressure, ulcers/gastritis, asthma, cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, strokes, cancers, death.
Mental-Emotional:  Anxiety disorders, depression, anger and extreme irritability.

Behaviorally:  introversion, alcohol-substance addiction, aggression.

Intense stress also has negative effects on work efficiency. Decrease in work tempo, lack of energy, feeling tired, intolerance, deterioration in communication due to decreased mutual understanding and tolerance, increase in anger, deterioration in perceiving individual differences are the negative effects of stress on business life.
Two people can react very differently even under the same conditions. While one is anxious and tense, the other may be cool-headed and calm. This is very natural. Each of us has different personality structures and ways of coping with stress.

Coping with Stress

A- Ineffective Ways to Cope with Stress (  Because they cause a lot of stress in the long run)

1.      Inappropriate behavior; escape behavior, aggression, introversion, alcohol and cigarette addiction, malnutrition.

2.            Self-deceptive behavior; Ignoring, blaming others as the cause of your problems, denial, suppression, etc. are attitudes aimed at deceiving yourself.

When we consider the various ways we cope with stress, some typical types of behavior come to mind. Many people give themselves over to either smoking, eating, alcohol, or a combination of these. Cigarettes are a frequently used relaxation tool. When we encounter stress, we immediately reach for the cigarette pack as a reflex action to relax ourselves. However, the harms of smoking on health are far greater than the immediate harm it causes when dealing with stress. Likewise, while overeating is often comforting at first, such behavior can become an additional source of stress, either on its own or because of the weight gained. We can say similar things about alcohol use. Although alcohol has a relaxing effect during times of stress, it can become a stress factor in itself as it causes physiological and psychological dependence in the long term.

Some, in response to stress, withdraw, withdraw, become passive, and avoid confronting their problems. Sometimes they get out of touch with the situation, completely ignoring their problems. Since such behavior may cause distress and anger towards the other person, it may lead to problems in relationships. Even if the person stays away from stressful events in the beginning, the problem remains unresolved. 

Another common attitude towards stress is overreacting to events. Worrying about minor disappointments or being negatively affected by changes are examples of this type of behavior. Overreactivity can occur in various forms. Tantrums towards others, being hurtful, anxious, etc. Behaviors like these are some of them. Most of us have experienced such overreactions from time to time. However, if this becomes a habit, it will lead us to loneliness and make us more prone to stress.


Another harmful habit is not reacting at all to stress and hoarding the distress inside us. As a result of these accumulations, we cannot bear it any longer, and the possibility of any event, which is not important at all in normal times, turning into stress at an unexpected moment increases. Additionally, because it is difficult to recognize this cumulative nature of stress, we sometimes push our endurance limits.


If we don't take time to plan our work, we try to cram a lot of work into a limited time. Or we may miss some negative events that could have been anticipated beforehand. Both types of behavior can increase the intensity and number of stressful events we experience. Regardless of our style of coping with stress, being "flexible" is an important quality. Habitual use of a single behavior, when another coping behavior may be more helpful, indicates that your coping style is inflexible. While this habit may work in some situations, it may be insufficient in others. This is the main point to pay attention to. The effectiveness and flexibility of any coping style is determined by whether it allows us to explore other options available to us when we are in a stressful situation. Flexibility allows us to be more open to change. In this way, the number of events we perceive as stressful may decrease.

B- Effective Ways to Cope with Stress

There are two ways to cope with stress:  Changing the situation or changing the reactions to the situation.

1. Those that affect environmental stressors

2. Those that have an impact on the mind,

3. Those that affect the body,

4. Those who are effective on many levels simultaneously.

- Those Aimed at the Environment (  Those Aimed at Changing the Situation)

Effective Time Planning

Being organized, making written plans, dividing work to appropriate people, using a time table.
Problem Solving Techniques
Problem solving techniques are mostly used on problems that we can control. There are five steps to solving any problem:
1- Identifying the problem
  - Is this just a problem from my perspective, or do others see it this way too?
   - Do I have any contribution?

2- Reviewing the options
is to produce as many options as possible. Even though it may seem ridiculous and ridiculous, consider all the options. Remember, the two options that should be on the option list and remain unchanged are the calves:

Avoiding stressful situations by leaving the problem aside; It is to concentrate on the emotions that the problem creates in us. 

3- Choosing a solution after reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of both options  .
4-Taking action.

It is necessary to thoroughly know how to make the chosen solution.

5-Evaluation of the results.

2-  Those Oriented to the Mind (  Change by Reaction to the Situation)

a- Establishing a Positive Dialogue with Oneself

Let's say you realize that you missed important information about your job role. You might say to yourself, "Something terrible happened. If I keep going like this, I'll never make it." Or you might say, "That was a stupid mistake. But it's not the worst mistake I've ever made. I can talk to my supervisor and suggest adding the missing part. If he notices my mistakes and shortcomings and corrects them, he may even be pleased if he sees that I am trying." 

The first group of thoughts above is negative and self-destructive, while the second group of thoughts is; It is more positive and aims to solve the problem. These are both examples of "self-talk". Negative attitudes towards events, or more precisely, negative words spoken to oneself, increase the tension felt during those events.


Negative self-talk becomes automatic over time and cannot easily be replaced with positive content. If you want to reduce stress levels, it is very important to become aware of these negative thoughts. In what situations and how much do you criticize yourself? Do you get angry at yourself often? 

 -Before you enter a situation that you expect to be filled with  stress , prepare yourself for it. Have you successfully resolved a similar incident in the past? Try to remember this. Then pump yourself up, just like athletes do before a race.

Example;  "I know....I can handle this job. I've dealt with similar situations in the past."

"It's not the end of the world, every up and down has an up."

-Then  try to think logically.

Example; "Is there anything I can do before the problem gets bigger?"

“Maybe I can develop a plan to cope.”

The following coping phrases may be appropriate during a  stressful situation .

Example:  "I feel like my shoulders are getting tense. This is normal.... If I can relax my muscles a little, I will feel calmer. Maybe it will be good until I get over the situation."

“I have to try to take it one job at a time.”

"I'm very uncomfortable, but it's not the end of the world. I'll get through this too."


"I have to try to stay as calm as I can." Let's say you successfully solved your problem. Be sure to reward yourself. The positive words you say to yourself at this stage will make you more confident in the problems you encounter later.

"I did it and it happened!"

"Discussing my problem with so-and-so wasn't as bad as I thought."

"Bravo to me!"

This positive dialogue with yourself will not eliminate stress from your life, but it will be an important tool that you can add to your list to deal with it positively.

b-Effective Communication (  Changing the Situation and the Reaction to the Situation)

Since stressful situations usually arise from interpersonal relationship problems, being able to discuss our problems with these people is a key to the solution. However, if you or the people around you are experiencing intense feelings of anxiety while having this discussion, communication can be very difficult. Moreover, this situation can increase the stress we are experiencing.

There are various ways to make interpersonal relationship problems less stressful and less emotional:
       - When you are about to enter a situation that you anticipate will be stressful, prepare yourself first. Instead of focusing on the fear, anxiety, anxiety, anger, etc. emotions you were experiencing at that time, you focused your attention on the result you wanted to achieve.
        - If you think about what you want to achieve from any interaction, you will be calmer when the interaction begins and you will achieve the results you want more easily.

- How you verbalize any problem is very important. Try to avoid sentences with "you" (sentences with the predicate you). Sentences with "you" tend to belittle people. It includes comments about what the other person thinks and feels. (As if we could know these thoughts and feelings better than him.) "I" sentences keep the responsibility on the person himself. It helps to clearly reveal one's views and feelings. Therefore, it is unlikely that the other party will become defensive. When either party tries to make an accusation or criticize, the argument is stopped when the party who has expressed his thoughts and feelings says, "I feel that way
.  " Example;

You're not being clear enough - I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Instead of "You're not telling me the truth", the phrase "I think you're not telling me the truth" should be used.

Questioning Techniques:  Questions are also powerful tools in effective communication. Consider your situation when choosing the question type. Are you exchanging information, looking for a solution to a problem, or having a consultation or meeting?

Open-ended questions are questions that give the other person the highest level of freedom.

How do you feel about ....? .... can you tell me some of it? Can you describe me...?

3-Things Oriented to the Body (  Changing Reactions to the Situation)

- Correct Exercise

Proper exercise can serve many purposes. It can increase dexterity, improve flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, relieve tension, help lose and gain weight, and improve the general physiological conditions of the body, especially by making it easier for the heart to supply oxygen to body tissues.

Physical activity is a natural mechanism that reduces the body's level of psychological and physiological split.

Exercises have the following benefits in terms of stress management.

-Reduces overreaction to stress.

-With exercise, a high level of alertness suddenly occurs in the body. The body's "brake system" comes into play. Stress suddenly drops.

-Anxiety and tension decrease.

-The person's self-esteem increases.

-It purifies the body from stress-related hormones.

b. Nutritional Habits (  Changing Responses to the Situation)

Coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa and cola drinks are foods that cause stress in themselves. These foods  contain chemicals  that initiate the stress response . These nutrients activate the stress response when ingested. They increase alertness and mobility. If you drink 20 cups of coffee in a row in one sitting, a lethal dose of caffeine will be consumed. The most common side effects of excessive coffee consumption include anxiety, irritability and restlessness, diarrhea, irregular heartbeats and stress symptoms such as inability to concentrate.

Many people prefer to drink herbal teas such as linden and sage instead of coffee and tea. The amount of caffeine in them is zero. For example, chamomile tea has a calming effect. Another important issue regarding nutrition is the relationship between stress and vitamins. During stressful times, some vitamins are needed to ensure the proper functioning of the nervous system and endocrine systems. These are vitamins B complex and C. Deficiency of these vitamins also reduces tolerance to stress factors and the ability to cope with them.

Deficiencies in B vitamins cause anxiety, restlessness and general irritability. One wrong eating habit that causes deficiency of the B complex vitamin necessary for the body is the consumption of refined white sugar. Sugar, cakes made with sugar, cookies and dragees are good sources of energy. It has no other features. These nutrients need B complex vitamins to be used by the body and converted into energy. Consumption of white flour is also one of the nutritional habits that causes vitamin B deficiency.

Excessive low blood sugar  is called hypoglycemia  . It has symptoms such as anxiety, headache and dizziness. These symptoms make the individual restless and impatient. They reduce a person's tolerance to stress. This is what is seen in people who become grumpy when they are hungry.

The use of white salt also causes high blood pressure as a result of excessive water retention in the body.

By regulating your eating habits, you can increase your energy level, your reactions to stress, and your control over your general health.

4- Versatile (Changing the Situation and Reactions to the Situation)
Ways that are also effective in both body and mind on many levels are relaxation, meditation and yoga. There are also various ways to relax. These;

- Systematic relaxation,

- Deep breathing,

- It is visualization in the mind.

Systematic Relaxation:  Most people who have learned to relax and can do this find that the time they spend on relaxation does not hinder the work they do, on the contrary; They say they can do a lot of work. They say that after relaxation, their income decreases and their energy increases. Time devoted to relaxation also helps reduce the negative physical effects of intense stress. Relaxation includes activities that will keep mental and physical arousal low and balance. Metabolism slows down. Stress-related diseases can be prevented. 

Deep Breathing:  In a stressful situation, close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing. Breathe naturally and easily through your nose. With your breath, push your diaphragm downwards, not your ribcage, and inflate your abdomen as if you were inflating a balloon. Relax your shoulder and neck muscles as much as possible. You will notice that the tension will disappear from your body in a very short time.
Visualization:  Imagine yourself as if you are in a very comfortable place. Try to experience what you feel. For example; If you dreamed that you were on the beach, try to feel the warmth of the sun and the light wind on your face. The more detail you add to the scene, the quicker and easier you'll relax. After staying in this imaginary place for a short time, you will find that you become refreshed and calm.

Protecting Physical and Mental Health Against Stress In

order to protect physical and mental health against stress, people must pay attention to the following issues.

  1. Eat slowly. Chew each bite thoroughly and swallow
  2. Eat small and frequent meals.
  3. Have breakfast in the morning.
  4. Eat small dinners.
  5. Go to bed three to four hours after dinner.
  6. Drink half a glass of buttermilk or milk before going to bed. 
  7. Choose foods that contain a variety of nutrients. 
  8. Avoid butter and margarine. Choose vegetable oils
  9. Reduce foods high in carbohydrates such as sugar, bread and desserts.
  10. Eliminate red meat from your meals. Eat fish and chicken instead.
  11. Drink low-fat milk. Choose low-fat cheese and yoghurt.
  12. Don't put too much salt in your food. Avoid salt if you experience increases in blood pressure.
  13. If there is no medical problem such as diabetes, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  14.  Avoid drinking alcohol. If you have a habit of drinking alcohol, drink it slowly and with plenty of water at dinner and between meals.
  15. Do not smoke. If you have a smoking habit and are having difficulty quitting, do not smoke more than three to five cigarettes a day.
  16. If you have a habit, do not drink more than one or two coffees and two or three cups of tea a day.
  17. Take care to have regular sleep. Do not change your bedtime and wake-up time.
  18. Do relaxation exercises before sleep.
  19. Avoid situations that cause tension and anxiety before sleep. Don't fight, don't argue. Don't watch horror movies
  20. Learning to rest and move is necessary to maintain mental health and prevent or eliminate strain.
  21. Allocate rest hours, days, weeks for yourself during the day, week, month, year. Try to take your annual retreat outside your current environment.
  22. During these periods, deal with events outside your work.
  23. Remember that taking advantage of your free time and resting is not about not working, but about changing the way you work.
  24. During your rest, take time to do sports such as walking, running, physical exercises, athletics, basketball, tennis, volleyball and swimming, depending on your health and age.
  25. Make time for your family and play with your children.
  26. As you get to know yourself, make an effort to improve the aspects that you find right and good, and to control your shortcomings, faults and bad aspects.
  27. The foundation of mental health is based on the principle of "know yourself". Therefore, communicate with your self from time to time. Investigate the causes of emotional states that cause you pain, such as anxiety, anxiety, anger, and fearIf there are reasons for these situations originating from you, try to eliminate them. Look for realistic solutions to the causes caused by others.
  28. Remember that communicating with others is necessary, regardless of your age. Accept that communication with others based on care, love and tolerance is a prerequisite for your mental health.
  29. During communication, try to constantly establish empathy within certain limits and limits, and to stop and think by putting yourself in the shoes of others.
  30. Always be open to suggestions from others. But you always make the final decision.
  31. Be confident in yourself, think about the aspects that you see as deficient, inadequate, faulty and bad in yourself, and are also present in others.
  32. Take a role and take part in family, school, workplace, in short, in every environment you are in. Take responsibility.
  33. State your limits of responsibility, freedom and autonomy well. Do not be crushed under the pressure of heavy responsibilities. Don't see yourself as free and autonomous as possible.
  34. If you fail in the face of obstacles or are helpless in the face of problems, do not be crushed, do not get bored, do not give up. Look for new solutions, new ways.
  35. Learn from your failures and mistakes. Evaluate these with an objective eye. Before looking for the reasons in others, look for them in yourself. If you find reasons, try not to do them again.
  36. Use your time outside of your daily work, work and pursuits to develop and strengthen your personality, reinforce your sense of confidence, and make a positive contribution to the environment and society.
  37. Try to constantly renew yourself. Do not remain alienated and distant from developments and changes. Make connections between your old feelings and thoughts and your new ones. 
  38. Do not regret your past failures and mistakes, do not constantly blame yourself or others, do not get stuck in such feelings. Consider these as experiences that should be taken advantage of. Consider that focusing your energy and strength on these will negatively affect your daily life and future.

  1. Know the physical and spiritual characteristics of the age and age we live in. Consider that these characteristics may also be effective when evaluating your own and others' behavior.
  2. Accept death as an end that completes life.
  3. Show attention and love to children and young people. Be inspired by their happiness and hopes and benefit from them.
  4. Have feelings, thoughts and beliefs that you respect and value. Make an effort and work for these.
  5. Consider that others also have feelings, thoughts and beliefs that they respect and value.
  6. Be understanding, flexible and tolerant in the face of values, feelings, thoughts and beliefs that do not suit you or contradict you. Don't be bigoted and aggressive.
  7. Establish and maintain relationships with the opposite sex based on interest, respect, love, understanding, appreciation and support. See the opposite sex as equal to yourself, do not see them as small and oppress them, do not see them as big and afraid.
  8. Do not postpone duties and responsibilities, fulfill them on time. 
  9. Do not accumulate problems, try to solve them when they arise, do not let small problems accumulate and grow.
  10. If you have lost people you care about, investigate the reasons. If there is indifference, lack of love, repulsiveness or aggression arising from you, search for ways to eliminate these.
  11. See your mistakes, accept your mistakes when they are pointed out.
  12. Try to use your time as much as you can. Take time to be on your own and do whatever you want.
  13. Learn to say no, do not immediately give in to situations that you do not want, that will bring new burdens, create problems, or strain you.
  14. Among the options, choose "none of the above"! Remember that there is .
  15. Free yourself from the pressure to do a thorough and flawless job. Be content with what you can do. 
  16. Do not consider yourself as a person who needs constant attention and appreciation from all your friends and relatives. Such an expectation is unrealistic. Even people who love and respect you can criticize and criticize you in some situations. Consider this as information and try to benefit from it.
  17. Protect your own value. Be pleased with yourself no matter what. Don't be afraid to be different.

Measuring Stress Level

Read each sentence below and see how it fits your situation: "l:Almost always"; Give a score between 1 and 5, with 5 being "No  way  ".

1.         I eat hot food at least once a day.

2.         I sleep 7-8 hours at least four nights a week.

3.         I engage in regular emotional interaction and communication.

4.         I have a relative I can trust within 50 km.

5.         I do physical training at least twice a week, enough to get a good sweat.

6.         I smoke less than half a pack of cigarettes a day.

7.         I drink less than five drinks a week. 

8.         I am at the appropriate weight for my height. 

9.         I have enough income to cover my basic expenses. 

10.     My religious beliefs give me strength. 

11.     I regularly attend social events. 

12.     I have many acquaintances and friends. 

13.     I have one or more friends I can trust with personal matters. 

14.     I am in good health (think vision, hearing, and teeth). 

15.     When I am angry or anxious, I can talk openly about my feelings.

16.     I often talk to the people I live with about domestic problems, such as money.

17.     I do something for fun at least once a week. 

18.     I can use my time well. 

19.     I drink less than three cups of tea, coffee or cola per day. 

20.     I take time to rest during the day.

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