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Is It Possible to Go Back to the Past and Travel in Time? - ITechnical World

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Is There Scientific Evidence?

There are many theoretical studies on whether time travel is physically possible or not. However, according to the laws of physics, observations and experiments that have been made so far indicate that traveling back in time is not physically possible.

The theory of general relativity is at the basis of theories about time travel. This theory is a physical theory in which time and space are considered as a whole and distortions caused by gravitational fields are calculated. According to this theory, the existence and shape of time and space depend on interactions with matter and energy.

Einstein's theory of general relativity shows that time is a dimension and that motion slows down time and causes space to stretch. This does not indicate that travel backwards in time is possible, but travel forwards in time is considered theoretically possible by some physicists.

However, there are many physical obstacles required to travel through time. These obstacles include a fixed progression of time, the practical impossibility of traveling to a point in time, the need for infinite amounts of energy, the destructive effect of black holes, the inability to reassemble time neatly, and the dangerous effects of time travel.

As a result, studies and observations made to date indicate that traveling back in time is not physically possible. However, forward travel in time is thought to be theoretically possible, and further research on this subject is planned.

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Even if it is theoretically possible, is it possible to realize it in practice?

Even though time travel is theoretically possible, it is very difficult to achieve in practice. There are many difficulties to consider in this regard, and these difficulties are based on the laws of physics.

First of all, the amount of energy required to travel through time is quite high. Therefore, such a journey will push our technological limits in energy production. This high energy requirement is related to the influence of many physical laws and principles. For example, the law of conservation of energy states that as the energy of something increases, its mass will also increase. Therefore, since the amount of energy required for time travel is high, the passenger will also have mass and this mass will be quite difficult to manage.

Another important element required for time travel is the structure of space -time . Space-time interacts with matter and energy, and the nature of these interactions that determine how time works is quite complex. Therefore, moving through time, especially moving backwards in time, is very challenging in terms of understanding and managing the structure of space-time.

However, more research is being done on the physical laws and principles required to travel through time. These studies address issues such as the structure of space-time, the control and management of energy, the management of mass, and the nature of time. These studies could provide greater understanding of whether time travel is practically possible.

As a result, even if time travel is theoretically possible, it is quite challenging to realize it in practice and many physical laws and principles need to be managed to overcome these difficulties. Therefore, studies on whether time travel is possible are still ongoing.

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Physical Laws and Principles That Make Time Travel Possible

Parallel universes is a concept based on the theory of quantum mechanics. This concept suggests that there is more than one universe in the universe, rather than just one. However, this theory is not yet fully proven and scientific debates continue.

According to the theory of quantum mechanics, many things are based on probability. That is, the occurrence of an event can be described by a probability distribution. According to this theory, there is a universe that contains all the possibilities of the universe and every possible outcome occurs. Thus, each possibility creates a unique universe.

However, parallel universes in this theory are associated with different concepts. These concepts are based on different possibilities and universes. For example, the theory of parallel universes is also known as the “many-worlds” theory and to be explained with an example; While a person is standing at traffic lights, different possibilities in this person's parallel universes are realized. In one possibility, the person passes the green light, in other possibilities, he waits at the red light, gets involved in an accident, or does something else. Each possibility creates a unique universe, and these universes are different from each other.

The theory of parallel universes is also used to explain some quantum phenomena. For example, the position or momentum of a particle has a certain probability distribution at a given moment. However, when these properties are measured, only one value is measured. This means that different possibilities are realized during the measurement, different universes emerge.

However, the parallel universes theory is not yet fully proven and has received some criticism. For example, it is very difficult to collect experimental data to prove this theory, and it is difficult to interpret these data accurately.

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Physical Particles Required for Time Travel and Their Behaviors

Parallel universes is a concept based on the theory of quantum mechanics. This concept suggests that there is more than one universe in the universe, rather than just one. However, this theory is not yet fully proven and scientific debates continue.

According to the theory of quantum mechanics, many things are based on probability. That is, the occurrence of an event can be described by a probability distribution. According to this theory, there is a universe that contains all the possibilities of the universe and every possible outcome occurs. Thus, each possibility creates a unique universe.

However, parallel universes in this theory are associated with different concepts. These concepts are based on different possibilities and universes. For example, the theory of parallel universes is also known as the “many-worlds” theory and to be explained with an example; While a person is standing at traffic lights, different possibilities in this person's parallel universes are realized. In one possibility, the person passes the green light, in other possibilities, he waits at the red light, gets involved in an accident, or does something else. Each possibility creates a unique universe, and these universes are different from each other.

The theory of parallel universes is also used to explain some quantum phenomena. For example, the position or momentum of a particle has a certain probability distribution at a given moment. However, when these properties are measured, only one value is measured. This means that different possibilities are realized during the measurement, different universes emerge.

However, the parallel universes theory is not yet fully proven and has received some criticism. For example, it is very difficult to collect experimental data to prove this theory, and it is difficult to interpret these data accurately.

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History of Time Travel and Studies from Past to Present

Black holes are objects with very high density and their gravitational field is so strong that not even light can escape, and therefore they are called black holes This density is explained in the general theory of relativity, where the gravitational field can bend other objects and bend space itself.

Black holes can be of two main types. The first are stellar black holes formed during supernova explosions. After a star consumes its hydrogen fuel, it can leave a black hole as a result of gravitational collapse, stopping nuclear fusion in the core and expelling the outer layers in a supernova explosion.

The second type of black holes are found at the centers of galaxies and are called supermassive black holes. These black holes can have masses of billions of solar masses and drive the structure and motion of galaxies.

The properties of black holes can be calculated using equations from the general theory of relativity. These determine many properties of black holes, such as their mass, size, rotation speed, the motion of other objects in their orbit, and the properties of their gravitational field.

The existence of black holes is also supported by many astronomical observations and data. For example, the motion of stars at the center of galaxies indicates the existence of supermassive black holes. Additionally, there are many other phenomena that indicate the existence of black holes, such as; Measurements of radio waves in binary star systems are used as an important method for finding black holes.

Black holes are some of the densest and most impressive objects found in the universe. Fundamental laws of physics and general relativity theory provide information about the existence and properties of black holes. This information helps understand the motions of objects in space, the expansion of the universe, and other cosmic phenomena.

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Deep Reading

  1. The book “Time Travel: History, Philosophy, and Physics” was written by J. Richard Gott III and published by Princeton University Press. The book offers a history, philosophy and physics perspective on time travel.
  2. The article “Time Travel: Physical Possibilities” was written by Paul Davies and published in Scientific American magazine. The article provides information about the physical principles that make time travel possible and the practical applications of these principles.
  3. The article “The Physics of Time Travel” was written by Ben Tippett and David Tsang and published in the American Journal of Physics. The article focuses on theoretically possible scenarios regarding time travel and their analysis based on physical foundations.
  4. The book “Time Travel: The History, Philosophy, and Physics” was written by Simon Saunders, John Barrett and Adrian Kent and published by Cambridge University Press. In addition to discussing the philosophical and historical dimensions of time travel, the book physically explains time travel scenarios.
  5. The book “Time Travel: A Brief History” was written by James Gleick and published by Pantheon Books. The book describes the history, cultural significance and effects of time travel.

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