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How to Increase Sales with Product Listing Optimization? - ITechnical World

 The growth of your business in the digital environment largely  depends on the user experience you provide  . When businesses often focus on optimizing their homepage or product description pages, they tend to ignore e-commerce product listing pages, which are a hidden goldmine for higher click-through rates and conversions.

What is a Product Listing Page?

Product listing pages act as a catalog in your virtual storefront. They list all available products under a particular category, serving two main roles (product awareness and conversion enhancers). Product listing pages (PLPs – Product Listing Pages) appear when users search your e-commerce store for a product in that category.

For example, let's say you are searching for men's t-shirts. This search presents your PLPs to the user by listing the t-shirts for men in your online store. Customers can use filters according to their needs to refine their search and narrow down the results. That's why product listing pages are also considered search results or category pages.

A good product listing page should include:

Ecommerce  product listing pages do much more than just showcase products. They act as a bridge between your customers and the product description page and convince them to make a purchase. These pages are also where customers first encounter products on your e-commerce website, unless they're looking for something very specific. That's why creating PLP is the best way to leave a lasting impression on your customers and influence them to click on your site.

3 Product Listing Optimization Tactics To Convert Your Website Visitors To Buyers

 Let's take a look at three effective strategies that will improve your user experience on product listing pages and achieve better  ecommerce marketing results.

1) Make Page Layout Attractive and Easy to Navigate

One of the priorities for optimizing your ecommerce product list is to create an engaging page layout that engages your audience and convinces them to make a purchase. You should also focus on page speed. Here are some important tips for you:

  • Your product listing page should load in two seconds or less. If the page takes too long to show all the products, it may hinder the customer's purchases. According to Neil Patel,  40% of consumers leave a website when it takes more than 3 seconds to load.  For this reason, you should optimize your page speed on your product listing page to improve the user experience.
  • Instead of scrolling forever, you should add pagination or a "load more" option. In this way, you can make users feel less constricted and see the product as much as possible. When you add the “Load more” option, this allows users to evaluate more options.
  • You must not add more than four images to a row and present them in grid view. For mobile scanning, prepare the number of images to be two per row. This ensures that your page looks organized and offers an advanced product display service.
  • Use an SEO-friendly title and compelling text and place it at the top of your product listing page.

2) Present a Glamorous and Fascinating Product Appearance

The impression when visitors to your e-commerce store view your PLP should be quite impressive. For this reason, it is very important to make your product listing page visually appealing. This is especially true for mobile commerce. Presenting products effectively and avoiding eye strain is a powerful strategy for improving mobile conversions. Here are some tips for you:

  • Use high-quality product images and standardize them aesthetically. Standardizing means keeping the same background colors, angles and images for each of your products.
  • Use short and engaging product videos.

3) Add Triggers to Convince Your Customers

Adding persuasion triggers, such as flash sales or timed offers, can help instill a sense of urgency in your visitors. For this reason, these people will be more aggressive and interested in taking action. This is a great way to use a sense of urgency to increase conversions and grow your ecommerce site.

Long Story Short…

In addition to the above strategies,   there are many other ways of product listing page optimization, such as adding a call to action , using an add to cart button, and viewing product reviews. These methods will help you build trust and provide a seamless user experience, as well as increase your click-through rates and conversions.

We Are Ready To Support For Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Investment

SEO work is a field that produces very effective and efficient results and is worth investing in. If you haven't done SEO work yet, don't delay to invest in order to compete more effectively with your competitors, to reach a market not only locally, but also nationally and globally, and to reach a wider customer base and earn more.

As Aryozone Solutions,  we provide services in both English  and  Turkish  in many service areas such as SEO work, online marketing, e-commerce, social media marketing, software, text editing, article, proofreading and translation  . We are at your service with our specialists with doctorate degrees, each of whom has a doctorate in leading US or Turkish universities, has a career in more than one field, and closely follows the current developments in the field   .

Our team, with its deep knowledge and experience, provides online marketing solutions, site and program software, SEO service, academic consultancy and management services for individuals, companies, universities and public institutions, and provides up-to-date, competitive and rational solutions for our customers by identifying market needs at the highest level. .

From creating an online store to completely managing the store, listing products  e-commerce , setting up Amazon online stores including FBA and FBM, setting up stores on e-Bay, Etsy and similar online sales platforms and managing the established stores on behalf of your company, We make periodic reports.

You can contact us via e-mail or Whatsapp line to get professional support in the above-mentioned areas .

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