You can minimize the risk of disease by strengthening your immune system, which protects us against the harmful effects of viruses.
Foods That Strengthen the Immune System
In winter, when the cold makes itself felt even more, the incidence of upper respiratory diseases such as colds and flu increases. Unfortunately, the transmission of infections cannot be completely prevented due to long periods of time spent in public areas. However, it may be possible to minimize the risk by strengthening the immune system, which protects us against the damaging effects of microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites that cause infection in our body. The most important way to do this is to not miss foods that strengthen the immune system from our table. Here are the foods that strengthen our immune system...
1. Orange
Vitamins C and A are among the antioxidant vitamins that protect cells in the body. Orange is one of the most important foods that support the immune system in winter, thanks to the vitamins C and A it contains. In addition, it does not have a negative effect such as rapidly increasing blood sugar. If you do not have reflux problems, you can easily eat 2 oranges a day. However, be careful to consume the orange itself instead of orange juice. This is a healthier choice in terms of both fiber and sugar intake.
2. Spinach
Spinach is in a powerful antioxidant group with the vitamins A and C it contains. Thanks to these vitamins, it protects our cells and prevents our immune system from weakening. Vitamin C, in particular, increases the use of vitamin A. For a strong immune system, make sure to eat spinach twice a week. However, in order for vitamin A to be effective, consume spinach as a vegetable dish made by adding oil, rather than boiling it. Because fat is essential for the use of vitamin A!
3. Pisces
Fish is a good source of protein and selenium and zinc. Selenium especially prevents cell aging and protects heart health. Zinc also plays an important role in protecting cells. Fish is also a food rich in omega 3, which the body does not produce and therefore must be taken with food. Omega 3, which contributes to the removal of disease-causing compounds from the body; It is mostly found in salmon, mackerel and tuna. Do not forget to consume fish 2-3 times a week.
4. Parsley
Parsley is a food rich in vitamin C, which is described as ascorbitic acid and protects the body against infections. Vitamin C also reduces the effects of some toxic elements in the body and is effective in wound healing. Parsley also has an effect on removing edema from the body. Whether in the form of parsley juice, in salads or at breakfast, do not miss it from your table to strengthen your immune system.
5. Egg
Protein is needed for the proliferation and renewal of cells that function in the immune system. When insufficient protein is taken, the immune system begins to weaken as tissue destruction begins. Egg white is a food rich in protein. The yolk contains both iron and vitamin A, which is also a good antioxidant. You can consume eggs 4 times a week.
6. Almond-Walnut
Almonds and walnuts contain vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. Thanks to these properties, they play an important role in protecting immunity. Oil seeds such as walnuts and almonds, which have satiating properties, are frequently used in diets. It is also preferred due to its zinc content, which is an antioxidant and effective in wound healing. It is beneficial to eat 2 whole walnuts or 10 raw almonds every day to strengthen your immune system.
7. Yogurt
Yoghurt, which contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria in our body, is especially important for the immune system. The reason for this is that probiotics protect our body, especially our digestive system, against external microbes. The proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the body also prevents harmful bacteria from settling in the body. Probiotics can also be effective in conditions such as constipation and diarrhea. You should eat 1 bowl of yoghurt every day. Depending on the amount of milk you drink, you can increase consumption by 1 more cup.