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Is time travel possible? - ITechnical World

 Dear brother,

Such a thing is not explicitly mentioned in the verses and hadiths. They are the product of science-fiction dreams that are now put forward as theories.

It is possible to see plenty of examples in Islamic literature that the saints who deepen in the spiritual field travel both in the past and in the future during their spiritual journeys.

Bast-ı time:  The expansion of time, its blessing. The state of having lived a long time in a short time.

Tayy-ı space:  Being able to appear in different places at once by transcending space.

The area of ​​the earth is expanding with mountains. The tiny bubbles also increase the area of ​​the stomach. When the lung is opened, it becomes two hundred and fifty square meters. These are examples of how God creates space within space.

If so , that Almighty God can create time over time. As a matter of fact, he created:  Dream, bast-ı time and mirac...

We are limited by our knowledge and experience. We have become slaves to the country, to habits. We are no longer amazed at the fact that sunlight travels a distance of approximately one hundred and fifty million kilometers in eight minutes to reach our world. However, this is a wonderful miracle of power...

“God Almighty can show this miracle, which He exhibits in the light, in a beloved servant whose spirit has overcome his corpse.” When we say that, the objections begin immediately. Why? Because we are prisoners of manners and we have never witnessed such a thing. If we could watch this event every day, it would be hidden in our eyes, and we would not start to be surprised by it.“In a dream, you see that a year has passed in an hour and many things have been done. If you had read the Qur'an at that hour, you would have read a few hatims. This state develops in the state of the awliya. The matter approaches the circle of the soul. The soul is not related to time anyway. The deeds and deeds of the saints, whose spirit is victorious over their physicality, take place with the speed of the spirit.” 

Today, it is quite normal for shapes and sounds to be found in many places at once through television. But we cannot fathom that the throne of Belkıs will be brought to Süleyman's 'alaihis-salâm' in a very short time. faraza; If one day, like sounds and shapes, we will succeed in transferring things, then we will find it quite normal and reasonable, and we will begin to be amazed at it.

An unfamiliar expression was used in the above aphorism: "Soul velocity." The speed of the soul is neither compared with light nor with sound. Dream is a servant of the soul. He can reach the heavens in an instant. The mind is the instrument of understanding of the soul. With this tool, one can go up to the stars and contemplate them.

When the spirit is victorious over the corpse, it is very easy to be in several places at once. In the dream, our soul also wins over our body to some extent. We travel very far distances in an instant, and we can easily pass into the past and the future. We see our grandparents as well as our grandchildren.

Why can't a spirit, by making spiritual progress, leave the angels behind, not be able to do a job that they can easily doWhy not be in several places at once?

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