Effects of Dark Matter on Earth - ITechnical World

Dark Matter,Astronomy,Astrophysics,

Dark Matter Decay

Dark matter is one of the thorniest mysteries of modern cosmology. On the one hand, astronomers have collected a lot of supporting evidence through galaxy clustering statistics, gravitational lensing and cosmic microwave background fluctuations, on the other hand, there are no particles in the standard model of particle physics that can explain dark matter, and we have not been able to detect its effect locally. This generally means that we are just one step away from a breakthrough to confirm or disprove dark matter. The good news is that there are several projects looking for dark matter, and one of them, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, has published a new result.

IceCube , as a neutrino observatory, cannot detect dark matter directly, but can locally detect dark matter effects that cause neutrino-producing particle decays. The main model for dark matter particles assumes that they consist mostly of massive particles that interact with each other and with weakly ordered matter particles. These weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs, may be lurking in the Earth's core.

If the WIMP model is correct, dark matter slows down when it collides with dense ordered matter, causing some WIMPs to become gravitationally trapped inside the object. These WIMPs occasionally collide with each other, causing particle decays that produce neutrinos. This means there must be an excess of neutrinos coming from the Earth's center, which IceCube can detect.

In this study, the team looked at 10 years of IceCube data and found no evidence of much neutrinos. Given the energy cross section of the IceCube detectors, this effectively rules out WIMPs with masses greater than 100 GeV, or slightly more than about 100 proton masses. This result is consistent with other studies and also rules out high-mass WIMPs.

Lower-mass dark matter particles are still possible, but we have a long history of ruling out several dark matter candidates so far. There are plans to increase IceCube's sensitivity, which would allow more dark matter tests looking for lower-mass WIMPs. This could eventually enable us to detect dark matter locally, but our options are rapidly dwindling. We've ruled out a few dark matter candidates so far, and we may need to look at alternatives like modified gravity. But that's a story for another time.

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What is Dark Matter?

Dark matter is a mysterious substance that makes up about 27% of the universe, but does not emit or reflect light. Dark matter manifests itself gravitationally by affecting the shape and motion of galaxies and galaxy clusters. Dark matter triggered the formation of large-scale structures in the early universe and caused small fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Dark matter is a component that slows, but cannot reverse, the expansion of the universe.

Dark matter may consist of a new type of particle that is not included in the standard model of particle physics. The nature of these particles is not yet known, but various theories and experiments attempt to identify them. Dark matter particles may be massive particles that interact very weakly with regular matter and can collide with them. Such particles are called weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs. WIMPs are one of the most popular candidates for dark matter, but they have not yet been detected directly or indirectly.

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How Do WIMPs Work?

WIMPs interacted with other particles in a hot, dense plasma in the early universe. But as the universe expanded and cooled, WIMPs separated from the plasma and continued to collide among themselves. As a result of these collisions, WIMPs annihilated each other and turned into standard model particles. However, this process was not completely symmetrical and some WIMPs remained intact. The number of these WIMPs remained constant with the age of the universe and determined the density of dark matter observed today.

The extinction rate of WIMPs is determined by their mass and collision cross section. Collision cross section is a parameter that measures the probability of two particles colliding. If WIMPs are too massive or interact too weakly, they will disappear in too few numbers, leaving behind too much dark matter. If WIMPs are too light or too strongly interacting, they will annihilate too much, leaving too little dark matter. Therefore, WIMPs must be within a certain range of mass and collision cross section to obtain the observed dark matter density.

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What is IceCube Neutrino Observatory?

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a giant neutrino telescope located at the South Pole, consisting of thousands of light detectors embedded in ice. IceCube is designed for the detection of high-energy neutrinos. These neutrinos may originate from galactic and extragalactic sources or from dark matter fission. IceCube detects the blue light Cherenkov light) produced by neutrinos when they collide with atoms in ice. This light is used to determine the neutrino's energy, direction, and leptonic flavor (electron, muon, or tau).

IceCube was built between 2005 and 2010 and became fully operational in 2010. IceCube's total volume is about one cubic kilometer and its detectors are buried in ice at a depth of 1.5-2.5 km. The main component of IceCube are photomultiplier tubes housed in spherical glass containers called DOM (Digital Optical Module). DOMs are used to detect Cherenkov light within ice. IceCube has approximately 5000 DOMs and they are connected in 86 vertical wires (or arrays). Each cable contains 60 DOMs and is approximately 17 m apart.

IceCube also has a subproject, DeepCore. DeepCore is a smaller array of more densely packed DOMs located at the core of IceCube. DeepCore is designed to detect lower-energy neutrinos, increasing IceCube's sensitivity.

IceCube contributes to a wide range of astrophysical and particle physics research. IceCube is used for purposes such as identifying high-energy neutrino sources, understanding the origin of cosmic rays, monitoring supernovae, searching for dark matter, and discovering new metaphysical phenomena.

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Search for Neutrinos from the Center of the Earth

Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles of the standard model. They are very small particles that have almost no mass and interact with the weak nuclear force. Neutrinos are produced in a variety of astrophysical and nuclear processes, such as the sun , stars, supernovae, and artificial radioactive sources. Because neutrinos interact so weakly with regular matter, they can travel long distances and are one of the most abundant particles in the universe. However, these characteristics also make them very difficult to detect.

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a giant neutrino telescope located at the South Pole, consisting of thousands of light detectors embedded in ice. IceCube is designed for the detection of high-energy neutrinos. These neutrinos may originate from galactic and extragalactic sources or from dark matter fission. IceCube detects the blue light (Cherenkov light) produced by neutrinos when they collide with atoms in ice. This light is used to determine the neutrino's energy, direction, and leptonic flavor (electron, muon, or tau).

IceCube is an ideal tool for searching for neutrinos coming from the center of the Earth. Because the center of the Earth is directly across the sky when viewed from the South Pole. This means that neutrinos from the Earth's center must pass through the Earth before reaching the IceCube detectors. This makes it easier to distinguish them from neutrinos coming from other directions. Because neutrinos coming from other directions interact with less matter and produce more signals.

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Mass Limits of WIMPs

The basic principle behind how IceCube detects WIMPs is this: If WIMPs accumulated at the center of the Earth, they will occasionally collide with each other and destroy themselves. During this extinction process, standard model particles will be produced. Some of these particles are neutrinos. These neutrinos will have high energies proportional to the masses of the WIMPs. This means IceCube can detect them.

IceCube analyzed 10 years of data, looking for an excess of high-energy neutrinos coming from the Earth's center. But he found no such surplus. This set an upper limit for the masses of WIMPs. Given the energy cross-section of IceCube's detectors, this limit is approximately 100 GeV. This is equal to the mass of approximately 100 protons. This result is consistent with other studies and also rules out high-mass WIMPs.

Lower-mass WIMPs are still possible, but more sensitive experiments are needed to detect them. There are plans to increase IceCube's sensitivity, which would allow more dark matter tests looking for lower-mass WIMPs.

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Dark Matter Alternatives

Although WIMPs are one of the most popular candidates for dark matter, they have not yet been detected. This may mean that we need to look for other explanations for dark matter. Dark matter alternatives generally fall into two categories: new particle models and modified theories of gravity.

New particle models suggest dark matter particles with properties different from WIMPs. For example, axions are very light and very weakly interacting particles. The axions have been proposed to solve a problem in quantum field theory and may be a candidate for dark matter. Because axions are much lower mass than WIMPs, they require different methods to detect them. Actions can be converted into photons in magnetic fields, which can be used to detect them.

Modified theories of gravity, however, do not need new particles to explain dark matter. Instead, they assume that gravity behaves differently at large scales than Newton or Einstein predicted. For example, MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) theory proposes that gravity deviates from Newton's second law at low accelerations. This could explain the rotation curves of galaxies and galaxy clustering statistics. However, MOND theory cannot explain the cosmic microwave background radiation and is not compatible with general relativity.

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The Future of Dark Matter

Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries of modern cosmology. There are many projects searching for dark matter, and one of them, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, has published a new result. IceCube looked for an excess of high-energy neutrinos from the Earth's center, but found none. This set an upper limit for the masses of WIMPs. This result is consistent with other studies and also rules out high-mass WIMPs.

Lower-mass WIMPs are still possible, but more sensitive experiments are needed to detect them. There are plans to increase IceCube's sensitivity, which would allow more dark matter tests looking for lower-mass WIMPs. But our options are rapidly diminishing, and we may need to look for other explanations for dark matter. Alternatives to dark matter could be new particle models or modified theories of gravity. However, these also have their own difficulties and problems.

We need more studies to understand dark matter. Dark matter is an important component that determines the structure and evolution of the universe. If we can detect dark matter, we can learn more about the universe and test the laws of physics. Dark matter could also open up interesting metaphysical possibilities, such as new particle models or modified theories of gravity. Dark matter is a huge opportunity and challenge for science.

In this article, we summarize what we know and don't know about dark matter. We explained how WIMPs, one of the most popular candidates for dark matter, work and how the IceCube Neutrino Observatory is looking for them. We show that IceCube's final result sets an upper limit for the masses of WIMPs and excludes high-mass WIMPs. We note that lower-mass WIMPs are still possible, but more sensitive experiments are needed to detect them. We said that there may be other alternatives to dark matter, and that they have their own challenges and problems.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you learned more about dark matter and found it interesting. Dark matter research is an exciting field and we can expect further developments in the future. Will we find dark matter? Or are we looking for something else? Stay tuned to find the answers to these questions.

Dark Matter,Astronomy,Astrophysics,

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