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10 serious blows of sugar to our health - ITechnical World

Do you know that the amount of sugar consumed by a person per day is about 10-30 teaspoons? 
We unconsciously ingest sugar with many of the foods we eat. However, if it is refined sugar, the consequences of this mean serious diseases.

Our bodies don't need white sugar!

In addition to the fact that the tea and coffee duo is indispensable for many of us, sugar accompanies them for some. Although we are not aware of it, sugar is found in many packaged foods apart from the sweets we eat. Studies have shown that an average of 10 to 30 teaspoons, or in other words, 40-120 grams of sugar is consumed per person today. According to the report of the World Health Organization; sugar should not constitute more than 10 percent of our daily calorie needs. Because the body cannot tolerate more and it can accumulate over time and cause many serious health problems. According to the figures published by the American Heart Association; The amount of sugar that can be taken daily should be 35 grams (150 calories) for men and 20 grams (100 calories) for women.

wasted calories

Sugar; It is a compound obtained from sugar beets, known as 'white sugar' and consisting of half fructose and glucose. It does not contain any nutrients such as protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. It is a wasted calorie with no fiber content. Naturally, the body does not need refined white sugar at all. High fructose corn syrup, found in refined sugar and in most foods, is metabolized by the liver. This means the liver works harder. On the contrary, the sugar that we consume daily and that we call quality carbohydrate sources from grains and legumes is only converted into glucose and used in every cell of the body. Therefore, high-quality carbohydrate sources, namely grains and legumes, are not both empty energy sources, such as refined sugar or fructose syrups. It also meets our sugar needs without harming the body. The damage it causes to the body as a result of consuming 'unhealthy sugar' has serious consequences. Here are 10 problems that those who consume too much sugar may encounter...

1. Sugar also ages the skin

When sugar molecules are found in excess in the body, they bind to proteins and change the structure of the protein, and this phenomenon is called “glycation”. As a result of this union, collagen and elastin proteins, which are the most important structures of the skin, can be damaged. Damage to these two proteins, which provide the elasticity and firmness of the skin, by sugar molecules can also cause sagging, wrinkles and surface deterioration in the skin.

2. Memory problem can be seen

According to the study conducted at the Australian National University; As a result of prolonged blood sugar levels above normal values, the risk of brain shrinkage in these people is higher than in normal individuals. The owner of the research from the Australian National University, Professor Dr. Nicolas Cherbuin states that the shrinkage in the parts of the brain that make up the memory can also cause memory problems. Excessive consumption can also cause attention deficit and learning difficulties.

3. It lays the groundwork for cancer

In the 2010 reports of the American Dietary Guidelines, 5 chronic diseases related to diet were mentioned. One of the most important of these diseases is cancer. Cereals that naturally contain sugar, milk and dairy products, and legumes also contain substances such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals that act as cancer preventatives. In contrast, table sugar is empty calories and contains no preservatives. Moreover, high sugar intake triggers insulin resistance and obesity, indirectly increasing the risk of some cancers such as breast cancer. Studies have found a positive relationship between the glycemic load of foods and breast, colorectal, endometrial and pancreatic cancers.

4. Lowers immunity

Red blood cells, which are an important part of our immune system, can be caught between the competition of vitamin C and sugar molecules. Vitamin C, which has a molecular structure similar to sugar, cannot be used by immune cells as a result of excessive consumption of sugar and causes weakening of the immune system. As a result, the risk of getting sick increases even more.

5. Threat to oral and dental health

Many different bacteria live in our mouth. Some of these benefit our teeth, while others damage them. If harmful bacteria that feed on simple sugars are not cleaned with brushing or saliva, they will turn sugar into acid, leading to an acidic environment in our mouth. Tooth decay occurs as a result of these acids dissolving the minerals in the top layer of tooth enamel that protect our teeth.

6. The main cause of obesity

The main cause of obesity, which is one of the important diseases of today; consuming excessive sugar. Studies clearly show that when sugar is consumed in large quantities and continuously, the liver stores fructose, the component of sugar, as fat. As a result, the fat around the waist increases rapidly.

7. Sugar is stored as fat

Excess triglyceride accumulation in the liver can cause you to have a fatty liver. Studies have shown that excessive fructose consumption can trigger fatty liver by increasing triglycerides. In addition, weight gain as a result of excessive sugar consumption and, as a result, insulin resistance that comes with obesity are other factors that can trigger liver fat.

8. Cholesterol hits the heart

According to the report of the Institute of Medicine, sugar can cause atherosclerosis by causing elevations of LDL and triglycerides, known as bad cholesterol. The increase in these particles in the veins also increases the risk of heart attack.

9. The 'happiness hormone' can make you unhappy!

Since sugar triggers the secretion of serotonin, known as the 'hormone of happiness', its pleasing feature can create addiction in people. The addictive effect on the brain can result in unhappiness when foods containing sugar are not consumed. Because, in the slightest problem due to addiction, consuming more sugar and sweets than necessary leads to weight gain over time, and this picture leads to unhappiness.

10. Disrupts the regulation of insulin

Insulin, one of the most important hormones in our body, helps regulate blood sugar. Insulin resistance; means that the sugar in the blood cannot be used as a result of entering the cell. Many studies show that sugar consumption leads to insulin resistance. The risk of metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases increases in people with insulin resistance.

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