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5 Important Tips for Doing the Right Cardio - ITechnical World


For those who are looking for a cardio program and have questions about cardio , let's get it here. We examine the relationship between cardio sport and health with an informative article by Jeremy Duvall.

Don't waste your time on the band. By reading our article, you can increase the efficiency of your cardio training.

Cardio is a term that has become widespread in the sports industry and is not liked by those who want to increase their muscle volume. But certain cardio training should be part of the workout. The duration and intensification of your cardio sessions require an order. Someone who does powerlifting and someone who will participate in a weekend marathon have different options. Whatever your goal, there are smarter ways to do cardio.

It is not unique in terms of cardio workouts with different men's sports. They have detailed notes on sets, reps, records, and even arm muscle width when it comes to weight training . Cardio training is quite simple; A medium intensity session of 20-30 minutes. You should give importance to your cardio training just like weight training. Having the benefits of an intense cardio session without spending a long time on the treadmill by focusing on the intensity levels and duration of your cardio workout. 

Tips for Your Cardio Training

Monitor Your Heart Rate

Not using a heart rate monitor during cardio can be likened to driving without a speedometer. You have a general idea of ​​how hard you work, but if you don't use a heart rate monitor, it can be difficult to give a value to your intensity level. This type of tool allows you to monitor changes in your cardio training. In this way, you can apply your cardio training more consciously.

Focus on Your Heart Rate Recovery

Just as a speeding vehicle can stop suddenly, a strong heart can slow down more quickly after intense exertion. The slowdown in your heart rate after an intense workout can be used to measure your fitness level. Instead of measuring how your heart behaves during an intense workout, track how quickly your heart rate drops within 1-2 minutes after exercise. You must experience at least 10 shot drops in the first minute and 20 or more shots in the second minute.

Strengthen Your Circulatory System

Sports cars can increase their speed in seconds. Likewise, a highly conditioned circulatory system can adapt to any exercise intensity. Interval workouts are a great way to build cardio strength. Set a treadmill to a speed that will leave you out of breath after 20-30 seconds. Monitor your heart rate. After you reach 85-90% of your estimated peak heart rate, slow down to a slow walking pace to recover. Keep walking and repeat until your heart rate drops to 60% of your peak heart rate. By raising your heart rate, you can strengthen your circulatory system.

Train to Cross Your Threshold

The anaerobic threshold describes the heart rate at which you are not getting enough oxygen to support your exercise intensity. In short, it means not being able to maintain a level of intensity over a long period of time. This rate is usually around 85% of your maximum heart rate. Instead of focusing on numbers, you can measure this ratio with a speaking test. At the anaerobic threshold, you mumble 3-4 words before taking another breath. Working on your anaerobic threshold improves your working capacity. A high working capacity improves your cardio level, but also supports you during intense work in weight training.

Do Hard Cardio to Burn Fat and Condition

Although interval training is more beneficial, you should also practice constant pace cardio training. While not the most effective way to improve your running and cycling performance, they can be a good option for your recovery days. It can also be applied to keep yourself active without overtraining. At an average heart rate (approximately 665-70% level), you can get blood flow to your working muscles without intense training stimulation. Such workouts can be practiced between hard weight training sessions. Do cardio this way only 1-2 days a week. You can use it as the start of a hard weight training session or after a hard weight training session to rest your muscles and mind.

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