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The Concept of Astral Travel According to Religious Beliefs - ITechnical World


Astral travel is one of the most curious subjects among the people. Especially for those interested in parapsychologyIn recent years, we have started to hear more about astral travel. One of the reasons for this was that the statements of some celebrities on this subject attracted attention. So is it really possible to astral travel? Can everyone do it? We will include all of the questions such as whether it changes according to beliefs in our article.

What is Astral Travel?

astral projection occultism and in Theosophyis the term used. It is expressed as the separation of the physical body with the definition of the body made by people who believe in parapsychology . Again, as claimed by these people, astral travel; The journey that the person makes to wander in other places with a conscious mind and the experiences they say they have with this body are called.

Among the people; It is known as the soul leaving the body and wandering independently of the body. There is a silver cord that prevents the soul from breaking away from the body The soul leaves the body through this cord during astral travel. It is said that the soul leaves the body and wanders freely while the person is conscious. Allegedly, breaking this cord means death. For this reason, many people prefer to stay away from astral travel. Despite everything, the number of people who want to make this trip is quite high. This procedure can be done while asleep or awake. But astral projection, high level of attention and a lot of practice on top of it.It is an application that requires Although anyone can make this trip, it is recommended to stay away from hypertension, nervous and heart patients on the grounds that it can cause harm. Returning after astral projection is quite easy. When we look at the history of astral travel, although it is based on the same principles, it shows some differences according to beliefs.

The Concept of Astral Travel According to Beliefs

When very old historical records are examined, it is determined that Ancient Egyptians, North American Indians, Chinese, Greek philosophers, medieval alchemists, Oceanian peoples (Shaman origin), Hindus, Jews and Muslims knew about astral travel and practiced it in some religious rituals. Among these, the earliest descriptions, narratives, and symbols of out-of-body experiences came mostly from Egypt, India, China, and Tibet. For example, in Tibetan astral travelers were called " delogs " , meaning " returning from beyond ".

Astral Travel in Ancient Egyptian Esotericism

The ancient Egyptians called the astral body Ka , the soul or spirit Ba , and believed that both could leave their physical bodies at any time. EA Wallis Budge, Egypt's Book of the DeadIn the introduction, he states that the ancient Egyptians saw the Ka as an abstract body that had the characteristics of the person it belonged to and looked like it, however, independent of the physical body and free to go wherever it wanted.

Esoteric knowledge has been able to reach the present day by preserving detailed information about some hidden historical rituals and educational processes of Ancient Egypt. There were temples and temples in carefully selected places of the important centers of the country, and initiative education was given to selected people under very special conditions.was given. After going through a difficult process of being accepted into this training, the students had to go through a series of special examinations one after the other in order to be taken to the temple and become one of the temple priests.

One of these exams was the process of the student (disciple) realizing an astral projection experience. Since it was well known in ancient Egyptian initiations that the disciple who could not have conscious experiences in the astral field could not reach the spirit of the esoteric teaching, those who did not develop such a talent were not accepted for initiation. For example, disciples who passed the fasting phase, which was an important part of initiation in Egyptian temples, were then required to experience astral travel. In the presence of the High Priest (hierophant) and other initiates, the student who was put into a trance was given an astral projection. Comparing with the different levels of the astral realm and comprehending the laws here with the meticulous protection of his masters, the initiate could only thus be able to access some hidden secrets. Because of the visible realm, It was based on the principle that it was a manifestation of the invisible realm. In other words, in a sense, the astral world and its laws were taught to the disciples in this way.

Astral Travel According to Shamanism

Both individual and collective trance experiences have a great place in shamanic practices and tribal cultures. First of all, the person called shaman was expressed as a sensitive medium with highly developed psychic abilities In other words, he is in the position of a human being who can communicate with disembodied beings in the spiritual realm and convey their influences and ideas to the earth. The main purpose of various rituals and worships applied in tribal cultures of shamanic origin is to provide a kind of trance state and to enable people to interact with the spiritual world. Astral travel is one of the types of trance that allows the shaman to communicate with this spiritual world. Some claim that the essence of shamanism is based on the phenomenon of astral travel and argue that the " ascension to heaven " performed by shamans during trance.” and “ travel in the spirit world ” are nothing but astral travel. For example, the 15th century Bishop of Upsal, Olaüs Magnus, wrote the Histoire des Peuples du Nord. They suggest the following statement in their work:

A person who wishes to know the condition and health of his friends or enemies within a distance of five hundred miles , presents a competent Lapona or Fine with a fishing rod, a suit, or a bow, and asks them where their friends or enemies are and what they are doing. He asks them to make an attempt to understand what they are doing. Thereupon, this competent person, after being pleased by his wife, shuts himself in a room with a friend. He first beats a bronze frog or snake with a hammer and ritually, and then, muttering incantations, he falls to the ground and passes out, and lies like that for a short time in ecstasy.

During this time, thanks to the power of incantations, with the help of a low-spirited disembodied being, he provides and brings the necessary evidence, such as a ring or a knife, from distant lands. Finally, he suddenly regains consciousness and tells the wisher what happened during his journey.

Astral Travel in Indian Teachings

In Indian Teachings, it is said that man consists of 3 bodies . These are the physical , the ether , and the spiritual bodies. In Taoist thought , it is stated that a particle of the absolute energy of the universe is stored in the human body and that this energy is a spiritual entity . This spiritual energy can go out of the physical body as a result of necessary training. Apart from eastern beliefs and teachings, similar approaches are seen in the west. Hz. Jesus apostle St. Paul said that there are two bodies, spiritual and natural, in man.

Jesus says in the Bible:

I know a man who is out of the body? Unknown…

Astral Travel in Christianity

According to some astral travel scientists; The subtle body refers to the transformation of the material being into the energetic body with the right work . They claim that this subtle body is connected to the physical body by a psychic silver cord. The Book of Ecclesiastes. The last part of . It is expressed as:

Before the silver thread is untied, or the golden bowl is broken, or the jug in the fountain is shattered, or the wheel is broken. In the cistern.

Rabbi Scherman argues that the context refers only to a metaphor, likening the body to a machine, and the silver cord referring to the spine.

Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians. It is considered to refer more generally to the astral planes:

I know a man who was caught in the third heaven in Christ fourteen years ago. Whether in the body or out of the body. I don't know – God knows.

Astral Travel in Taoism Religion

The Taoist practice of alchemy involves the creation of an energy body through breathing meditations, drawing the energy into a "pearl" that is then "circulated". Xiangzi , a Chinese mythological figure and one of the Eight Immortals in the Tao temple , would fall asleep snoring and motionless to the sound of drums. But one day his primordial spirit went straight to the banquet hall and said, "Sirs, here I am again." Tuizhi. As he walked with the authorities to take a look, there was indeed a Taoist who was sleeping on the ground and snoring like thunder. However, inside, in the next room, there was another Taoist who played a fisherman's drum and sang Taoist songs. The officials all said, “Even though they are two different people, their faces and clothes are exactly the same. Obviously, a divine immortal who can split his body and appear in several places at the same time…” At that moment, the Taoist walked out into the next room, and the Taoist who was sleeping on the ground woke up. The two became one.”

Astral Projection According to Hinduism

The Indian spiritual teacher Meher Baba described one's use of astral travel as follows:

In the later stages leading to the beginning of the path, the candidate is spiritually prepared to be entrusted with freely exercising the powers of the inner world of the astral bodies. He can then go on astral journeys in his astral body, leaving the physical body asleep or awake. Unconscious astral projections are much less important than those made consciously and intentionally. This means conscious use of the astral body. The conscious separation of the astral body from the external vehicle of the material body has its own value in making the soul feel different from the material body and in achieving more complete control over the material body. When one wishes, one can wear the outer vessel as if it were a cloak. can wear and take off. Use the astral body to experience the inner world of the astral and journey through it as needed… Therefore, the ability to astral travel involves a significant expansion of one's scope of experience. It provides opportunities to promote one's own spiritual growth.

Astral Travel in Islam

It is necessary to evaluate the event called astral travel in the context of soul-body relationship, sleep and dreams. Since the history of humanity , the soul-body relationship , the state of human sleep and dreams have been the subject of all philosophical and religious movements . However, a definite judgment has not yet been reached based on positive data about the nature of this relationship.

In many parts of the Mesnevi , Ahmed Efla-ki's “Legends of the Arifs”and in the stories of countless saints, saints and saints; It is explained that the soul can leave the body both at will and unintentionally. Generally, this event is described as a miracle and miracle . People who have disciplined their souls can be in many places at once. It is reported that Abdulkadiri Geylani was seen in more than forty places at the same time. Ibn Sina states that man consists of soul and body. And he says:

When the body becomes suitable for the work of the soul, the soul is sent to the body, if desired, it leaves the body. Once completely separated, it will not disappear again.

In this article, we discussed astral travel and the concept of astral travel according to religious beliefs. If you liked our article What is Reincarnation? The 4 Most Interesting Reincarnation Stories”Don't forget to check out our content. 

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