Home Fitness Program | Build Muscle Without Going To The Gym! - ITechnical World

 Although it is very comfortable to exercise at home, it has some restrictions. In this article you will find the best exercises, the necessary fitness equipment and the most efficient fitness program!

To benefit from this article, your level can be beginner, intermediate or advanced;

Your goal of exercising at home may be to burn fat , build muscle, or both.

You may not have any equipment or fitness equipment, you may have a few basic equipment, or you may have a full gym set up.

Regardless, if the right conditions are met , it doesn't matter if it's home or gym; You can improve your body!

How Possible to Build Muscle by Doing Sports at Home?

If you are following Ağır Sağlam, you know that the most important factors for building muscle or getting stronger are the following:

  • Quality resistance work and progressive overload , simply put, increasing the weight or reps in order to be challenged and challenged regularly.
  • Quality, balanced fitness nutrition , getting our daily calorie needs. If we want to lose weight , we should feed below this need, if we want to gain weight, we should eat more. You can easily calculate them through our nutrition guides.
  • A productive rest period and at least 8 hours of sleep.
  • Discipline, discipline, discipline…

None of these factors , except progressive overload , depends on where you do sports!

While doing sports at home, the resistance part will be a serious problem, especially after a while. You are probably reading this article to solve this problem. We will approach this in a little while with different strategies.

But to dig a little deeper, let's unpack these items a bit.

Nutrition While Doing Sports at Home 

Nutrition is the most important factor that will bring you closer to your goals of adding muscle mass or burning fat.

If you want to burn fat, you can start fat burning by staying 500 calories below your daily calorie needs, if you want to add muscle mass, you can start adding mass by staying 500 calories above your daily calorie needs.

You can calculate these amounts through our daily calorie needs calculation guide.

Fitness and Sleep

Sleep in the muscle development process: it is essential to relieve your body of stress and to repair and recover your muscles from the previous workout to the next workout.

Scientific studies recommend that we get at least 8 hours of sleep on a continuous basis. If possible, we should initiate this sleep before midnight. 

Discipline is entirely up to you.

If your passion is big enough to achieve something, let go of the equipment; neither your family nor your friends nor life can prevent it.

If the people around you don't share your passion or try to be a hindrance instead of supporting you, it's up to you to end your relationship with them.

If you think you can make friends and work more motivated when you go to the gym and you don't want to work at home for this reason, you can do the same while working at home.

You don't have to do the training with someone, if you create a network of friends with whom you share the same passion and keep each other up to date, it will be enough to motivate you.

Home Fitness Equipment

What equipment do we use now in a full-fledged sports center, apart from expensive isolated training machines?

Of course, all this can even come close to a 10-year gym membership, especially when bought from professional brands.

The important thing here is which ones we need according to our level.

Home Fitness Equipment for Beginners

An athlete who has just started fitness can do sports at home without using any equipment.

As stated above, yet any resistance – including our own body – is sufficient for us. It should increase as it gets stronger.

If our goal is to lose extra pounds, it is much easier to do cardio training at home anyway. Just calorie expenditure may be enough for us.

If we are new in this context, we can do it a little more inexpensively. However, let's take a look at what equipment may be needed to make a better home gym program for convenience and without getting bored:

  • It would be great if there was a door pull-up, the hardest thing at home is to work out the back muscles without equipment.
  • Dumbbells are especially efficient if they are adjustable because if we're just getting started, we get stronger quickly.
  • The exercise mat will be good for you to exercise safely and reduce the noise as well.
  • Resistance bands help us do many movements in a very comfortable way.
  • The flat bench will be one of our biggest supports while doing sports at home, in this way we can do many movements comfortably.

While the cost of all this will vary based on equipment quality, in most cases it will not exceed 3-6 months of gym membership.

For example, with this video, you can have a very good workout without any equipment while doing sports at home:

Home Fitness Equipment for the Intermediate Level

At the intermediate level, we can't get efficiency just by doing push-ups, sit-ups, prone cobras like a beginner.

Every piece of equipment that we said "better to have" above can now be a must for us !

For example, in the video below, you can find movements that can be done with resistance bands. It is necessary to add movements made with body weight to these movements.

Advanced Home Fitness Equipment

If your level is now advanced, dumbbells and resistance bands may keep you at the level you are, but unfortunately not so easily.

In this case, if there is an opportunity, we can say that an affordable amateur or investment quality Olympic-level Squat rack is almost a must, without being too stubborn.

A beginner Squats without adding weights and his body develops. But you can't even improve with dumbbells anymore.

Of course, while it's advanced, you can burn oil even if you don't have the equipment. For example, you can do HIIT workouts at home (there's a video in the best workouts section below). But even in this case, if we do not stimulate our muscles even a little, our muscles begin to atrophy and shrink.

The Best Fitness Moves to Do at Home

We are a little familiar with our equipment. So what exercises will we do with these equipment?

As we mentioned, level is very important here. But don't let this fool you: for example, a beginner should also Squat, as well as an advanced level. But while a beginner can do it without weights, the advanced has to do it with very high weights.

While doing push-ups develops a beginner, bench press at an advanced level may also be essential. Roughly: we'll add weight if it sounds simple.

Common Mistakes While Doing Home Fitness

Let's end this article with a few recommendations. When you research the above content, you will have started a very good process for yourself. But these errors can overshadow this process:

1- Don't Give Up!

Never, ever, ever give up. Some train with expensive equipment because they are more comfortable at home. For him, this is a comfort; but it may be an obligation for you. Especially for students, even when gym costs are very high, training at home with a few simple equipment may be the only solution.

In this case, never despair and think as if you need everything that is marketed. You can be very fit with just your body weight. As the conditions get tougher, character reveals itself. No matter what, don't give up. Being fat is no excuse if you don't have a health problem.

2- Don't Give Up on Security!

Many home equipment is unfortunately only preferred because it is a little cheaper, but it is of very poor quality. Moreover, it can open the door to injuries.

You should do a little more research on this subject and think about your security and continuity. For example, do not choose a dumbbell brand because it is of poor quality and 20% cheaper. Read the reviews well and shop from trusted sites. I made this mistake too, and regretted not giving a little more.

Of course, if you have a budget, it is always best to choose professional and guaranteed brands.

In addition, exercises can be done by hanging equipment or apparatus on doors and windows. In this case, too, be careful. Test to make sure it's safe and if possible don't push them too hard.

3- Invest in Sports at Home Gradually!

Many athletes want to shop like crazy when they start sports, but there is no going back, the enthusiasm is quickly discouraged.

Therefore, you may not want to spend a lot of money, and beyond that, you may not want to fill the house with many unnecessary items.

My suggestion would be to start small. Of course, this should not be the second mistake by buying poor quality equipment, it should start with quality equipment, but should be bought according to need.

For example, you started sports, you bought a Squat rack, you put it at home, but your enthusiasm has passed, this will not be an efficient investment. First, get an adjustable dumbbell or band, you see, the sport is enjoyable, then get a supplement, then buy more sports items or clothes.

4- Do Not Give Up Discipline!

It is much easier to increase the interval between sets from 2 minutes to 12 minutes at home. Since there is no one standing over you to ask "how many sets do you have", you can increase the workouts up to 3-4 hours.

Stay away from this mistake, make sure to turn on music just like in the gym, wear headphones and stay motivated. Keep track of your times between sets and don't reduce your training efficiency!

Our article ends here, you can ask what you want to know in the comments. You can share it with your friends so that they can benefit from this information too!


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