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Immune-Boosting Foods - ITechnical World

It can be both physically and mentally comforting to know that there are some foods that can boost your immunity, without a known treatment or vaccine for the COVID-19 disease, which has been declared a worldwide epidemic.

We are aware of the importance of proper nutrition in supporting cellular health and immune system. We have compiled some of the foods that you can consume more to protect against flu infections during seasonal transitions and to give your immune system a chance to fight during epidemic periods!

Chicken Broth Soup

Chicken broth soup, which is one of the first choice soups when cold symptoms are seen, has almost become a tradition for our society. This soup, which dates back almost 10 thousand years, really amazes with its immune-boosting effects. Studies have even shown that chicken broth helps the body better fight inflammation.

However, all poultry is rich in vitamin B6. Moreover; It contains minerals such as vitamins A and C, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as various antioxidants. Although there are canned chicken broth soup alternatives on the market, the best and healthiest are natural soups made at home. In this way, you can both know which materials are used and adjust the amount of salt in it. At the same time, it will be more comfortable for you to control portion and calorie.


A key player in supporting the immune system with the vitamins E and C it contains, almonds are also a powerful source of antioxidants. Although it is a high-calorie food; ½ cup of almonds meets almost all of the daily vitamin E requirement. Eating a handful of almonds between lunch and dinner will be a healthy and delicious snack. However, when consuming, you should not forget that almond is an oilseed with a lot of calories. That's why it's good to have portion control.


A good source of vital micronutrients such as B vitamins and selenium, mushrooms are also a great source to support the immune system. Mushroom with the nutrients it contains; It is also a good source of antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress created by free radicals in the body, reduce inflammation and increase immunity.


There are many studies proving that garlic, which is one of the basic ingredients of different world cuisine, supports the immune system. It's also easy to include in any home cooking. It adds a nice aroma and increases the nutritional value. Garlic; You can use it when cooking meat dishes, chicken dishes or fish. You can also add it to your yogurt while cooking your vegetable dishes.

citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges are important sources of vitamin C. We know that vitamin C contributes to a better immune system. This vitamin also protects the body against the formation of infections. It can also contribute to the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections in a shorter time.

Vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant in the body, also helps fight free radicals. Citrus fruits are great as a source of vitamin C. You can include vitamin C sources such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and tangerines in your juices, salads, and even meals.


The positive effects of pomegranate on the immune system are multifaceted. Studies on pomegranate have also shown that it helps inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the body. You can include pomegranate in salads, consume it with yogurt or consume it as a snack. If you wish, you can also squeeze the juice using a juicer.

The positive effects of pomegranate on the immune system are multifaceted. Studies on pomegranate have also shown that it helps inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the body. You can include pomegranate in salads, consume it with yogurt or consume it as a snack. If you wish, you can also squeeze the juice using a juicer.

Acai Berries

Acai berry, which has taken the world by storm and called "superfood" for a while, really contains very powerful antioxidants. This fruit, which has a color between black and purple, helps fight oxidative stress due to free radicals in the body. It is also a very good source of antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the body and strengthen immunity.


Among seafood, oysters are one of the most important powerhouses from the sea. 100 grams of it meets almost twice the daily selenium need, half of the daily iron need, and one-fifth of the daily vitamin C need. It does all of this with just 140 calories. It also contains high quality protein. However, it is a very good source of vitamin A and zinc. You can include oysters, which are a good source of nutrients that are critical for immunity, more in your diet.


Let's take a look at our friendship with watermelon once again as summer is slowly starting to come. Watermelon, one of the fruits that strengthen immunity; It contains high levels of potassium, vitamins A and C. Also, it is not high in calories. It is also a good source of vitamin B6 and glutathione, which are important for immunity. Berries; You can include it in fruit salads, serve it by adding lemon and mint leaves, include it in lemonade, serve it with feta cheese and arugula, or even choose it frozen if you wish.

Wheat seed

Wheat germ, the innermost part of wheat kernels, is the most nutrient-rich part of wheat. Apart from vitamins E and B, it is also a good source of zinc. Wheat germ; You can sprinkle it on fruits, mix it with yogurt, add it to rice recipes, use it in various vegetable or legumes dishes.


With its high content of vitamins A and C, folate, magnesium, iron and fiber, spinach, which is shown in the "superfood" class, does a great job in supporting the immune system with the nutrients it contains. It also provides the body with the nutrients necessary for DNA repair. To maximize the nutritional value of spinach, it is best to consume it raw or undercooked.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes, one of the foods that do not contain cholesterol and fat, offer many health benefits together. A medium-sized sweet potato is around 100 calories on average; It meets one-third of the daily need for vitamin C and more than all of the need for vitamin A. Vitamins A and C are very important for the immune system. It is also great for skin health and beauty. Since it is a fat-free and low-calorie food, it is easy to include in the nutrition program.


Shown as a real powerhouse in supporting the immune system, broccoli contains as much vitamin C as oranges. Vitamin C isn't the only source of its strength, either. Broccoli; It is also a good source of iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium minerals. It also helps to strengthen the immune system with B vitamins. It's also easy to turn broccoli into a delicious dinner by preparing it in many delicious ways.


Apart from its antioxidant properties, ginger is also known for its anti-inflammatory and immune system-boosting effects. It also contributes to the reduction of oxidative stress caused by infections and free radicals in the body. You can grate some ginger and add it to hot water, and use it to flavor chicken dishes or meat marinades. If you wish, you can also use it to include in homemade spice cakes.


Of course, we're talking about dark chocolate with a high cocoa content here. We know that cocoa protects the body from free radicals and strengthens the immune system. It is also rich in antioxidants. However, because dark chocolate is high in calories and saturated fat, it is recommended to pay attention to portion control.

Other Suggestions to Boost the Immune System

There are other important issues as important as nutrients to keep the immune system strong. For example; A regular exercise routine with adequate and regular sleep is as important as controlling stress. Although taking antioxidants and vitamins through food is effective in strengthening immunity, remember that foods consumed in doses can be beneficial. However, do not forget to add probiotic foods and green tea that can strengthen your immune system to your diet. Drinking water is as important as ever. You should definitely drink 8-10 glasses of water a day so that your immunity does not decrease and toxic substances can be removed from the body


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