Innovation in Culinary Terms: What is Fusion Kitchen? - ITechnical World

This article is for those who love to experiment and mix.
Because we will talk about a kitchen term whose motto is to mix.

The gastronomy field, which develops itself and creates new chefs every day, has emerged through trial and error. Traditional cuisines have been created by thinking about what can be done with existing materials, under the influence of geography and major events such as war and famine. You must have thought that you can create practical recipes by mixing what is left in our kitchens with the last ingredients. Brand new flavors are still discovered until the final stage in flavor recipes is achieved. In order for kitchens to develop and grow, it is necessary to produce constantly, and over time, different countries start to feed on each other's recipes. This is where the fusion kitchen logic comes from. Fusion cuisine means fusing different flavors and cooking techniques of the world on the same plate. Fusion cuisine can be compared to an orchestra. The blend on your plate,

We are talking about a kitchen that will be loved by people who are open to innovations, who love different tastes together and who are interested in world cuisine. Already, the first steps were taken with exactly such feelings. In the 80s, when the metropolitanization increased rapidly, the interest in different culinary cultures and tastes was also increasing. With the development of restaurant culture, chefs have achieved a creative result that meets this need by mixing different techniques from world cuisines. Due to the increase in internet access, we have become able to prepare more complex recipes compared to the last century.

Refika Birgül makes a good statement by touching on three points about fusion cuisine. “We can think of fusion in three different ways. The first of these is a mixture of dishes from nearby regions belonging to different cultures. In the second way, while a food culture is decisive, the techniques and materials of other cuisines are used. Finally, it is the bringing together of many different cuisines without any culinary determinants.

As an example, we can show the flavors arising from the fusion of Mexican-Korean cuisines, which have developed under the influence of immigrants in the past 10 years. The classic Mexican burrito or taco can be served with Korean cooked meat and kimchi, a type of pickle. In fact, it is enough to give an example of sushi pizza, which emerged in Toronto, to describe fusion cuisine recipes. Of course, these flavors were not just put together. It is necessary to pay attention to the compatibility of cooking techniques and flavors with each other. At this point, it is important to think about what ingredients will be in what and to try to predict what the final recipe will be like.

Due to the abundance of portions in Turkish cuisine, fusion cuisine recipes may not seem like an attractive option.
Because the portions are usually very small. However, if you are one of those who are chasing new tastes and want to improve your food culture, you should definitely try it. We recommend you to take a look at fusion cuisine recipes to experience combinations that you cannot think of together.

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